If you use Spray or Akka HTTP to create a REST service, possibly you need to work with JSON objects. Both Spray and Akka HTTP have built-in support of spray-json.
In most cases you have a fixed set of fields in your JSON API, so the proposed way to work with spray-json is to create model case classes and marshallers/unmarshallers for them:
case class Person(name: String, age: Int, title: Option[String])
trait PersonRoutes extends DefaultJsonProtocol with SprayJsonSupport {
implicit val personFormat = jsonFormat3(Person)
val route =
put path("people") {
entity(as[Person]) { person =>
// Store to db
In this example the implicit formatter does all JSON validation and deserialization
work. So person
is an instance of the class Person
. But sometimes you might
not have a strict model, but just some JSON object. You can represent this data
as an instance of JsObject
class which is defined as:
case class JsObject(fields: Map[String, JsValue]) extends JsValue
So, if we’d like to add some schemeless information to our Person
class we
can just add a JsObject
case class Person(name: String, age: Int, title: Option[String], extras: JsObject)
The problem is that this is not really useful to inspect JsObject
. The only
thing you can do with it is to get its fields like a Map[String, JsValue]
For example some of the Person
objects have address information:
{"name" : "John Doe",
"age" : 42,
"extras" : {
"address" : {
"city" : "Moscow",
"street" : "Zemlyanoy Val"
} }
Let’s say we’d like to inspect these objects and pass only if the city is Moscow. To do that we can write something like:
entity(as[Person]) { person =>
val city = for {
<- person.extras.fields.get("address")
addr <- Try(addr.asJsObject).toOption
ao <- ao.fields.get("city")
c } yield c
if (city.map(_ == "Moscow").getOrElse(false)) {
} else {
This code looks quite ugly. Even with two layers we have a lot of
boilerplate steps: extract a JsValue
, convert it to a JsObject
, extract the next
value, etc. It would be nice to have DSL for traversing through the objects.
I think it can be similar to XPath:
entity(as[Person]) { person =>
if (person / "address" / "city" === "Moscow") {
} else {
Let’s create an implicit class to extend JsObject
implicit class JsObjectOps(val o: JsObject) extends AnyVal {
def / (name: String) = ???
But what should it return? We can return a JsValue
, but there are several problems:
and =!=
operators to check the returned values.To meet all of these requirements, we need to create another class, which will
wrap the Option[JsValue]
class JsFieldOps(val field: Option[JsValue]) {
def /(name: string) = field map (_ / name) getOrElse this
def ===(x: JsValue) = field.contains(x)
def =!=(x: JsValue) = !field.contains(x)
The implementation of ===
and =!=
is quite obvious. We just check the values in the underlying
field. The most interesting part is the /
method (but don’t get too excited – this one is not rocket science
either :)). There are two cases. If the field is empty we can just return the same
empty object. But if not, we can apply the same /
we used initially to
create this object (that’s the part I left not implemented yet in the very beginning of the implementation). So it
looks like we need to extend the JsValue
, not the JsObject
to add /
, but it has
to be applicable only to the objects. There is a method called asJsObject
the JsObject
class, which throws an exception if the class is not a JsObject
. Thus,
the implementation of the JsValueOps
(instead of the JsObjectOps
) will be like:
import scala.util.Try
import spray.json.JsValue
implicit class JsValueOps(val value: JsValue) extends AnyVal {
def /(name: String) =
And this is a complete implementation of simple DSL for querying values in
P.S. there is a great library called
json-lenses which provides a more
powerful way to query and update JSON objects. It gives you objects called
“lens”, which encapsulate a path through a JSON object, and allows you to get and set
values (of course set means create a modified object, because JsObject