Generating SQL queries with shapeless

Posted on February 2, 2017

In the previous posts we created the SqlSaver class which can set values into the prepared statement. It assumes that the SQL request is correct and the parameters are in the required order (in the order they are defined in the model). What if the model class is changed? If the query is not updated we’ll get a runtime error, since the fields order in the query and the order of calls performed by SqlSaver are not the same anymore. So, it would be nice to generate SQL queries as well. Something like:

val query = StatementGenerator[Sale].insert(tableName)
val statement = connection.prepareStatement(query)
SqlSaver[Sale](statement, 1)(sale)

Let’s try to implement it with shapeless.

First, let’s define our type class for statement generators:

trait StatementGenerator[A] {
  def select(table: String): String
  def insert(table: String): String

Then we can create a companion object with summoner function and implementation for case classes. Since we need not only values, but also field names, we need to use LabelledGeneric class instead of Generic.

object StatementGenerator {
  def apply[A](implicit sg: StatementGenerator[A]): StatementGenerator[A] = sg

  def genericGenerator[A, R](implicit
    gen: LabelledGeneric.Aux[A, R]
  ): StatementGenerator[A] = new StatementGenerator[A] {
    override def select(table: String): String = ???
    override def insert(table: String): String = ???

Ok, we have an instance of LabelledGeneric for type A which can convert an instance of type A to HList R. But we don’t have an A instance, because we don’t need values. All we need are the field names. Shapeless contains package ops which provides utilities for different cases. We need to get keys of the key-value records. The necessary class called Keys is available in package ops.record. It takes an HList of records and provides an HList of keys. The next thing we need to do is to materialize HList of keys into a Scala List of Symbols (because key in our case is Symbol). The utility class we need is called hlist.ToList. We also have to set the constraints for the types we use: a type passed to Keys shall be an HList, as well as a type passed to ToList. Let’s code:

object StatementGenerator {
  def apply[A](implicit sg: StatementGenerator[A]): StatementGenerator[A] = sg

  def genericGenerator[A, R <: HList, K <: HList](implicit
    gen: LabelledGeneric.Aux[A, R],
    keys: record.Keys.Aux[R, K],
    ktl: hlist.ToList[K, Symbol]
  ): StatementGenerator[A] = new StatementGenerator[A] {
    override def select(table: String): String = ???
    override def insert(table: String): String = ???

Once we have all the required components we can implement the select and insert methods:

override def select(table: String): String = {
  val fields = keys()",")
  s"SELECT $fields FROM $table"

override def insert(table: String): String = {
  val fieldNames = keys()
  val fields = fieldNames.mkString(",")
  val placeholders = List.fill(fieldNames.size)("?").mkString(",")
  s"INSERT INTO $table ($fields) VALUES($placeholders)"

This code is quite straightforward and it works for most cases. But it doesn’t cover all the features of SqlSaver. In the last post we added the ability to save nested case classes. So, we need to recursively handle all of the fields and make a flat list of primitive ones. E.g. if we have classes A(a: String, b: Int) and B(c: String, d: A, e: Int) we should get c :: a :: b :: e :: Nil.

I think it’s better to create a separate type class FieldLister, which will provide a list of fields. Let’s start with our type class:

trait FieldLister[A] {
  val list: List[String]

We want to create instances of FieldLister for any class, so we need LabelledGeneric to convert a class to HList:

object FieldLister {
  def genericLister[A, R](implicit
    gen: LabelledGeneric.Aux[A, R],
    lister: Lazy[FieldLister[R]]
  ): FieldLister[A] = new FieldLister[A] {
    override val list = lister.value.list

You might notice, that we don’t need the value of LabelledGeneric. But we need it on the type level, to link types A and R, because type R depends on type A.

Next, we can create instances for HList. It’s obvious that the result list for HNil is Nil:

implicit val hnilLister: FieldLister[HNil] = new FieldLister[HNil] {
  override val list = Nil

The instance for a non-empty list is more tricky. We need to separate the primitive types from the nested classes. For the nested classes the implementation is quite simple. We obtain instances for the tail and head and concatenating the result lists:

implicit def hconsLister[K, H, T <: HList](implicit
  hLister: Lazy[FieldLister[H]],
  tLister: FieldLister[T]
): FieldLister[FieldType[K, H] :: T] = new FieldLister[FieldType[K, H] :: T] = {
  override val list = hLister.value.list ++ tLister.list

Let’s take a closer look at this function. To understand what’s going on we need to understand what the LabelledGeneric produces. We can check it in REPL:

scala> import shapeless._
import shapeless._

scala> case class Test(first: String, second: Int)
defined class Test

scala> LabelledGeneric[Test]
res0: LabelledGeneric[Test]{
  type Repr = String with KeyTag[Symbol with Tagged[String("first")],String] ::
              Int with KeyTag[Symbol with Tagged[String("second")],Int] ::
} =

I rewrote the result type in the infix form and removed package names for readability. What is important here is that the Repr type is not just String :: Int :: HNil, but each type element contains additional type level information.

If we check the shapeless sources, we find that FieldType is just a type alias:

  type FieldType[K, +V] = V with KeyTag[K, V]

That’s exactly what we saw inside Repr. With this knowledge we can rewrite Repr type as:

  type Repr = FieldType[Symbol with Tagged[String("first")],String] ::
              FieldType[Symbol with Tagged[String("second")],Int] ::

And this is the reason we need to define the result type of hconsLister as FieldLister[FieldType[K, H] :: T]. On the value level we just need to concatenate the lists produced for the head and for the tail of the HList.

At this point our code can work with case classes and HLists of elements for which we have instances of FieldLister, i.e. the other HLists and case classes. But what about the primitive types? If we have a head element of HList which does not have an instance of FieldLister, we need to get this field name and set it as a head element of the result list. We need to somehow get the instance of type K on the value level to get the field name. Shapeless provides type class Witness for this purpose. With all of these blocks we can build our function:

implicit def primitiveFieldLister[K <: Symbol, H, T <: HList](implicit
  witness: Witness.Aux[K],
  tLister: FieldLister[T]
): FieldLister[FieldType[K, H] :: T] = new FieldLister[FieldType[K, H] ::T] {
  override val list = :: tLister.list

Even though it looks nice, we’ve got a new kind of problem here. Our implicits are ambiguous. Both hconsLister and primitiveFieldLister can be applied to HList. The Scala compiler cannot choose which one is more applicable (even though one of these declarations requires an instance of FieldLister[H], both of the instances have the same weight). So, the compiler requires that you avoid conflicts in the implicit resolution. To manage the implicit resolution order we can use “Low priority” pattern. The idea is to move the implicits with lower precedence to the parent class. Once the compiler can find an implicit instance in the child class it will use it (it will not search all possible implicits in the class parents). But if it is not able to find an implicit in the inherited class, it will search in the parent classes. So we can rewrite it in the following way:

trait FieldListerLowPriority {
  implicit def primitiveFieldLister[K <: Symbol, H, T <: HList](implicit
    witness: Witness.Aux[K],
    tLister: FieldLister[T]
  ): FieldLister[FieldType[K, H] :: T] = new FieldLister[FieldType[K, H] ::T] {
    override val list = :: tLister.list

object FieldLister extends FieldListerLowPriority {
  // all other instances are here

Now, when we have the FieldLister we can easily implement StatementGenerator. All we need to do is to wrap the FieldLister result into the SQL statements:

object StatementGenerator {
  implicit def genericGenerator[A](implicit
    fieldLister: FieldLister[A]
  ): StatementGenerator[A] = new StatementGenerator[A] {
    override def select(table: String): String = {
      val fields = fieldLister.list.mkString(",")
      s"SELECT $fields FROM $table"

    override def insert(table: String) = {
      val fieldNames = fieldLister.list
      val fields = fieldNames.mkString(",")
      val placeholders = List.fill(fieldNames.size)("?").mkString(",")
      s"INSERT INTO $table ($fields) VALUES ($placeholders)"

And that’s all folks.